
Friday, November 19, 2010

Kids Without Stuff

by Jan Shoop and Lois Jamieson

The stories in this Blog are about kids who are just like your kids or mine.
Except, they are kids without stuff.

They are kids, kindergarten through high school,
who live below the poverty level.
Some without parents or without a place to live or enough to eat.
They live in delapidated trailers, homes in need of repair,
apartments or on the street
without hope of a bright future.

The good news is
they have found a safe place to spend their days. 
A place where adults trust and respect them
and where they learn to trust and respect those adults.

This place where they have found encouragement
and the challenge to dream of a better future,
is StarShine Academy.

Here is a place where they can realize their dreams through education.

This is the StarShine Effect.

But, this is not just about StarShine Academy
or about a journey of a mother and daughter.

It is about the kids...Kids Without Stuff.

Join us as we follow our path and write our book, "Kids Without Stuff".