
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reflections - Starts Today!

by Jan Shoop
Another new weekly post topic!
Each Thursday we’ll post several affirmations that you can use for the day or weekend or anytime that works for you. Reading an affirmation several times each day is a great way to improve your mental health, establish a powerful mindset or help you accomplish more during your day. As you repeat your affirmation visualize it already happening. All the students at StarShine know this easy technique of using affirmations and visualizing the outcome. They have become masters of improving their positive outlook and behaviors.
This week’s affirmations:
I am responsible. I take care of myself and the world.
I am helpful.  I take time to do things for others and to say "thank you".
I am conscientious. I always do the right thing, even when no one is looking.