
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Etiquette BOO-BOOS

by Lois Jamieson
I’m sure that most of you have excellent manners -- then there are those who don’t.
Here are the Top 3 Etiquette BOO-BOOS that really bug me:

1.       Men who wear hats in restaurants
The other evening my husband and I were dining out. At the table next to us was a family group having a birthday celebration. There was a grandmother, grandfather, mom, dad and two darling girls. One, obviously the birthday girl, was wearing a “birthday cake” hat. That’s okay and lots of fun.
The dad was wearing a ball cap, and that’s not okay.

2.       People who talk loudly on their cell phones in public places
I love cell phones. That’s how our children and grandchildren keep in touch with us. However, two weeks ago I was having lunch with a friend in a restaurant. Two booths away a lady was on her cell phone talking either to her banker or realtor or someone who needed a lot of private information from her. We could hear her giving her bank account number, social security number, a password for whatever and a credit card number. I couldn’t believe I was getting all this private information. That was not only rude, but clearly not smart! Had I been an identity thief I would have had all the information I needed to jump into action!

3.       People who, when eating, chew with their mouths open.
Need I say more?

What are your Top 3 Etiquette BOO-BOOS?