
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Gift of Kindness

by Lois Jamieson
There are people everywhere --- at the grocery store, pharmacy, doctor’s office, and on the bus --- who could use a little kindness in their day. Just a short, “How’s your day going?” to the grocery store cashier can add a bit of happiness to her day.

Larger Acts of Kindness
Then there are larger acts of kindness. Like the many volunteers who give their time and energy once or twice a week at StarShine. Through their mentoring and tutoring these volunteers show the children that someone cares about them. The StarShine volunteers include people like:  Irma, Tony, Anthony, Helen, Mary, Gale, Kathe, Bob, Roland, Susan, Ann, Nancy and many others.

Surprising Acts of Kindness
And then there are surprising acts of kindness. The first time we took the High School Girls’ Fashion/Etiquette Club to the Ritz Carlton for a luncheon we were in for a big surprise.  Executive Chef Rick Dupree came to our table to greet the girls and bring them a dessert tray. Later, Chef Dupree took time from his busy schedule to be a guest speaker at a club meeting. Then he went a step further and became the volunteer Executive Chef at StarShine. Chef Dupree has spent many hours instructing students in preparing food for special events. Now that is Kindness with a capitol K!