
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Impressions Business Etiquette

by Lois Jamieson
Whether you are looking for a service or calling on a business, the first impression you make is the most important. It all boils down to good manners and proper etiquette.

Personal appearance and proper manners create a positive first impression.

What makes your personal appearance and manners acceptable?

1.      Good grooming and dressing appropriately

2.      Body language that reflects a positive attitude

3.      Introduce yourself properly and politely

4.      Shake hands correctly and look directly into the persons eyes

5.      Give full attention and respect to the person to whom you are speaking

6.      Show that you respect yourself by using proper manners

Keep in mind that most people form impressions of others very quickly,
often before they even start talking.

Then there is this:

The salon door banged open and in walked a woman (with very bad hair).
She yelled, “Hey, do you color hair.”

Needless to say, she did not get her hair colored that day at that very fine hair salon.

I would like to thank my husband, son and Tom Doely, owner of Salon 16, for their assistance on writing this article. They are all outstanding examples of exceptional business etiquette.