by Jan Shoop
This post is part one of a two-part series about a book I purchased in 2007 titled, The Success Principles. The book was written by Jack Canfield. Part one is about how I came to purchase the book, and part two is about what happened when I followed the strategies in the book.
In December 2007, I found myself standing in a Kinkos store waiting for some printing. The printing was taking awhile, and I had nothing to do, when I noticed a display of books. I walked over and started looking through the books. The first book I picked up was, The Success Principles. I looked through the book and sat it back down. I looked at the other books. Then picked up the Jack Canfield book again, looked through it some more and sat it back on the rack.
The Success Principles looked like a great book with lots of ideas on staying organized and setting goals. However, I really didn’t need another book on goal setting, and I definitely wasn’t going to buy a book at a Kinkos. Everyone knows you buy books at bookstores or on Amazon.
My printing was done. I paid and started to leave, then hesitated, went back and picked up The Success Principles again.
I kept thinking, “Why does this book keep jumping in my hand? I don’t need another motivational book.” But then, I found myself paying for the book and walking out the door with my printing and a new book.
I spent the entire Christmas holiday reading and rereading The Success Principles.
Here’s a photo of my book.
I tabbed the book and took notes. I completed all the activities and answered all the questions. By the end of my Christmas holiday break, I realized I had purchased one of the most useful and powerful books ever. I actually called up all my friends during the holiday break and told them to buy the book. When I got back to school, I talked to the charter holder, Trish McCarty, and told her to buy the book. And in the end, we gave the book to every teacher at StarShine.
The Success Principles has chapters titled, “Unleash the Power of Goal-Setting, Chunk It Down and Keep Your Eye on the Prize.” At the beginning of the book is a quote that I love, “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Edison.
I created a goals book and listed the 30 things I wanted to do, have and be before I die. I made goal cards and task lists.
Here is a photo of my goals book.
And -- some amazing changes started to happen in my life. But, you’ll have to read part two of this series next Thursday to see some of the magic that happened.

And -- don't forget our other two blogs: