
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Special Moments With Kids Without Stuff

by Lois Jamieson
I first met Austin when he was in the third grade at StarShine Academy.  It was my second year of volunteering as school librarian.  I read to all the classrooms once a week and always looked forward to the class Austin was in.  I found him to be a good listener and reader.  He was a nice looking boy and very polite. It was later that I found out that this boy had more trauma in his young life than many of us have in a lifetime.

Austin and I seemed to click. We often talked about life while sitting on a playground bench. I watched as he grew in confidence. Sometimes he would help me in the library or offer to carry a heavy object for me. With all the problems he faced he remained a boy with a sweet disposition. Austin is now in the seventh grade, soon to move to the eighth.

Over the years, as well as being the librarian, I added two etiquette classes to my schedule. So on different days I arrive at the school at a different time. However, almost every time I turn my key in the locked gate to enter, I see Austin in the walkway.  He always walks over to greet me with a welcoming hug.

I don’t know, and probably never will, if my friendship and interest in his life will make a difference. I do know that Austin has made an impact on my life. This wonderful boy is one of the many amazing kids without stuff with whom I have shared special moments.

Be sure to read tomorrow's post, "Whatever Happened to Gracious Living?"

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