
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Meet Lois Jamieson

Lois Jamieson

Lois Jamieson is the 82 year old mother of Jan Shoop. Together they are writing the book Kids Without Stuff. Mrs. Jamieson volunteers at StarShine Academy as school librarian, teaches an etiquette class to the 3rd through 6th grade girls and a fashion/etiquette class to the high school girls. She is the volunteer liaison between school supporter St. Barnabas Episcopal Church and StarShine providing tutors and mentors. She has extensive volunteer experience at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, Churchwomen of the Episcopal Church, Heard Museum, The Center for the Blind, and the National Head Start Program.

Mrs. Jamieson is currently co-writing The Humor, Perils and Joys of Aging, with another octogenarian. Her interests include: volunteering, writing, reading English mysteries on her Kindle, church activities, friends, family and family history.

Publishing Credits
Ladies Circle Magazine
Guidepost Magazine
Faithful Servants - a church history
Via Linda Writers Group anthology
The Episcopalian Magazine
The Jamieson Family History (self published)

2008 – Mentoring Award - Governor’s Mentoring Initiative Campaign
Named Churchwoman of the year twice by St. Stephens Episcopal Church
Various volunteer awards by StarShine Academy