
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Librarian Sends Out An SOS

Two years ago I felt as though I wasn’t improving the StarShine library fast enough. I never seemed to find enough time to spend, amid the books while I was reading to all the classes, teaching the High School Girl’s Fashion/ Etiquette Class and recruiting volunteers from my church.
After sending out an SOS to my friends, I had the good fortune to have a very good friend volunteer to help me in the library. I knew Kathe was very efficient. I knew we could get the library in good shape quickly. I did not know it would be so much fun.
We turned out to be a great team working well together. We implemented a new system for designating the books for certain grades. We called it the ‘Spot System’ and had red, green, blue and orange spots all over the library table, and us as well as on the books. The only problem we had was that Kathe was fascinated by the books and wanted to stop and read. I would tell her to take the book home.  We took time out for lunch and found a wonderful small restaurant nearby. After lunch we would return to the school and work for a few hours. The library never looked better and the librarian was very happy.
Kathe and I worked side by side in the library for a year. We had a lot of laughs and Kathe had the additional bonus of getting acquainted with many of the students.
 And then we had what we thought was a brilliant idea.
Watch for a future post and read an inspirational and humorous account of how we started an etiquette class for the third through sixth grade girls.
by Lois Jamieson
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