
Friday, July 8, 2011

My Second Grade Boy-Friend

by Lois Jamieson
I have experienced many uplifting moments at StarShine and some very funny ones. I remember a humorous moment so well.
A few years ago I was moving books around the campus in a bright orange gloriously decorated grocery cart. The cart was a gift from my art teacher niece.  She covered it with spangles and ribbons and glitter. On the front end she put a large sign that read – Lois’ Library Ala Carte. Library Ala Carte

None of the students knew my name was Lois and they very properly called me Mrs. Jamieson. One day as I was walking across the campus, pushing the cart, a second grade boy came over to me and said, “I really love you, Lois.” I did a double take, took a deep breath and told him I loved him too, but it wasn’t proper to call me Lois since I was a much older person. I told him that he should call me Mrs. Jamieson. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt the little guy’s feelings. He seemed okay with this and skipped off to play.
Two weeks later it was Christmas time. The elementary students were busy making Christmas cards. I was working in the library when the door opened and in walked my little second grade friend. With a shy smile he handed me a Christmas card he had made for me. I opened the card and read – “Merry Christmas Lois, I love you.”
I just laughed and gave him a hug.
If you enjoyed My Second Grade Boyfriend, you’ll want to read: Raise the Titanic
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