
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Etiquette for Eating Difficult Food

This post is Part One of ‘Etiquette When Dining Out.’ It is much more enjoyable to dine out, if you know how to eat difficult food. Here are some tips on how to eat difficult food:

My salad leaves are too large. Cutting lettuce is perfectly okay. Use your knife and then request a clean knife to use on the main course.

I love fried chicken. Fried chicken is considered a finger food. So go ahead and pick it up. However, do not lick your fingers afterwards.

How do I eat an artichoke? Artichokes are often served whole with a plate for the discarded leaves and a small bowl for melted butter or sauce. Use your fingers to break off an outer leaf. Dip the leaf in the butter or sauce then scrape the flesh from the leaf with your front teeth. Use your knife and fork to eat the bottom part of the artichoke called the heart.

Do I have to cut my asparagus? At a casual dinner, asparagus can be a finger food. Otherwise, use your knife and fork.

What do I do about slippery peas? Now here is a challenge. One way is to scoop them onto your fork with a crust of bread. In addition, it is okay to mix peas with mashed potatoes or another vegetable.

I love spaghetti, but how do I eat it? Twirl the spaghetti on the edge of your plate with your fork or you may use a pasta spoon, which is larger than a teaspoon. Twirl pasta on the spoon with your fork. My husband is expert at this, while I have never mastered it. I cut mine, which incidentally, is perfectly permissible, except when you are in Italy.

Now go out to dinner and enjoy yourself! Bon Appetit!
By Lois Jamieson

Be sure to read Part 2 of Etiquette for Dinning Out next Wednesday, September 28
 How to Handle Embarrassing Situations

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