There is a marvelous small book called, “To A Child Love is Spelled Time
,” by Mac Anderson and Lance Wubbels. Their book carries a great message. I often pick it up and read a few pages. I agree with the authors that what child really needs from us is time.
My children and grandchildren are adults now and so my interest in children is centered on the children at StarShine Academy. Many of the children have material needs – food, clothes, books and so forth. These are easy to fulfill. I only have to make a few phone calls and these material needs are met.
It is much harder to fill the children’s need to be heard. To be offered encouragement, love, values, and strength. These needs can only be met when an adult gives them the gift of time.
We do have some very dedicated volunteers, as tutors and they certainly spend time with the children. I think, though, there is a need for what I call ‘listeners.’ I have had the privilege over six years of spending time with some of, but not enough, of the children at StarShine. I have read to the children and I have spent time in special classes with many of the girls. This year I am going to try to do less talking and more listening.
Do yourself a favor and spend time with a child.
By Lois Jamieson
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