
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

StarShine Kids Make Me Happy

Last week I dropped by StarShine to be a part of a very important celebration. It was Maria’s birthday and the teachers, administrators, children and others gave her a birthday party. You remember Maria – the wonder woman who manages the meals, acts as interpreter, and is a part-time aid in the kindergarten class. She still finds time to remember birthdays of others, so it was very special to be a part of her celebration. There were flowers, music, cake and singing.

While I was at the school, I received an unexpected loving gift myself.

Many members of my last year’s Manners Matter Club sought me out with hugs and smiles. My good friend, 8th grader Austin, made a point to greet me with a hug, and then a little fellow ran over to me, said, “I remember you!”, and hugged me as well. Later I sat with a graduate who shared her grief in the death of her father with me.

These gifts, as well as helping Maria celebrate, will keep me feeling warm and loved until October when I will return to volunteer at the school. Such a large part of my heart is wrapped around the children at StarShine.
by Lois Jamieson

If you enjoyed this inspirational story about volunteering, you’ll want to read:
Not a Kids Without Stuff Follower? Now is the time!