Monday, December 26, 2011

The Importance of Writing Thank You Notes

At this time of the year I think it is important to, once again, write about thank you notes.

I just sat down at my desk and wrote a simple thank you note. It took me less than ten minutes to locate the notepaper, write the message, address the envelope, put on a stamp, walk to my mailbox and mail the note.  

Surely you have the time to do the same. If you do, you will be considered a very considerate person who knows the value of good manners. Try it yourself and you’ll be surprised at how little time it really takes to do the proper thing.

I know it probably seems easier to crank up your computer, type a ‘thank you’ and hit send. However, it is not proper etiquette to say ‘thank you’ via the internet. There is nothing nicer than receiving a small note of thanks in the mail. It is one way to be sure the gift recipient has received and greatly appreciated whatever you have sent. This is especially true when it is a monetary gift.

I hear from Grandmothers all the time, bewailing the fact that their grandchildren never acknowledge a gift they have been given. Remember, not all Grandmas have e-mail, but I guarantee you they go to the mailbox watching for that little note.

Buy yourself some blank thank you notes, put some extra stamps in your desk drawer, and today, the day after Christmas, send your thank you notes and  see if you can beat my time.

By Lois Jamieson

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