
Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Other Starshine

I realized while writing the other day that it may look like StarShine only has one school in Phoenix. Actually, there are two StarShine Schools in Phoenix; StarShine Academy – Creative Community on 35th Street and McDowell and StarShine Academy – St. John on 42nd Avenue and Union Hills.

StarShine Academy – St. John is a smaller version of the StarShine Academy – Creative Community. The school is filled with great students, dedicated teachers and supportive parents. This year most of the high school students will be graduating. Many of these students have spent their entire high school career at StarShine and some of the students enrolled as 7th and 8th graders.

StarShine Academy – St. John has three full-time teachers along with several part-time teachers who fill in or who work at both campuses. I’d like to introduce you to these three teachers.

Andy Klunk
This is Andy’s second year at StarShine. He teaches high school and is the Assistant Headmaster at the school. Andy is very good at juggling multiple tasks while still providing a solid education for the high school students.

Crystal Price
Crystal teaches 2nd through 8th grade. Crystal has taught at StarShine for 5 or 6 years. She has an amazing ability to individualize instruction, teach teamwork and provide a strong academic foundation.

Renee Pass
Renee teaches the younger students, grades kindergarten and first.  I was visiting the campus on Thursday of last week and watched all of her students walk out to the playground. They were quiet and walked in a straight line, and every one of her students gave me a smile and wave as they walked by the office.

Thanks, StarShine Academy – St. John for your dedication and hard work!

If you’d like to learn more about the StarShine Schools, you’ll want to read: