
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Meet Princess

An inspirational story about one the outstanding students at StarShine.

One of the most interesting girls I have met at StarShine is a teenager named Princess.

I became acquainted with Princess when she joined our high school girls’ Etiquette/Fashion Class. She was a member of the group for several years and always seemed to enjoy our time together. After spending some time with her, I discovered that she had a real talent for designing purses. She hopes someday to start her own business. I thought her ideas were very good and encouraged her. She also co-hosts a weekly radio program on the StarShine E-Star Radio Network called, “Fashion Today.”

There was nothing Princess loved better than our annual luncheon at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. I happened to be sitting next to her at one such luncheon, and noticed that her manners were excellent and she seemed quite confident in the environment.

This year, with no Etiquette/Fashion Class, I’ve been lucky to see Princess at school. When I do, she always greets me with a smile and a hug, and asks when we will offer the class again.

Maybe, next year. I owe Princess that before she graduates.

by Lois Jamieson

If you enjoyed this inspirational Kids Without Stuff story about students, you’ll want to read: