
Thursday, April 26, 2012

StarShine Magic

One of the things I find magical about working at StarShine is the way everyone works together.

No one is to ‘big’ to do a job. Trish McCarty, the Founder of the school, calls it the StarShine Effect and she has actually written a book with the same title.

There are days when Jan Parsons, the Assistant Headmaster, is working in the cafeteria. There are days when our Registrar, Crystal Mosca, is teaching class. There are days when one of the high school teachers, Rand Blunck, runs between fixing blown fuses and repairing computers. And days when Lynne Ericksson, the school photographer, can be found painting, hanging curtains, unpacking boxes or producing a newsletter.

In a small school setting, like StarShine everyone wears many ‘hats’ and no one is afraid to change hats quickly. Not all small schools work this well, but at StarShine it works perfectly.

I wear the ‘hats’ of Superintendent, Headmaster, Special Education Director, Parent and Student Counselor and Federal Projects Coordinator. Sometimes I’m even on trash detail or the receptionist.

In addition to the teachers, the students learn to help in amazing ways. Several of the StarShine High School students assist in the after-school program caring for the younger students, one student works on weekends to support the garden, and 10 to 12 students work at the StarShine Radio Program.

If you’re ever in Phoenix, feel free to stop by and visit StarShine Academy. Just be aware… we may put you to work.

Read more inspirational Kids Without Stuff stories about the magic at StarShine you’ll want to read: