
Friday, May 11, 2012

National Eat What You Want Day

Fun Etiquette Facts About Food In Honor Of National Eat What You Want Day

I’m sitting here at my desk drinking a chocolate milk shake as I write this. I call that a good example of Eat What You Want Day, except, it is Thursday, May 3. You see, in order to keep Jan happy, I write my posts at least a week ahead, so I’m a little confused.

Talking about food – sometimes you may wonder just how to eat certain foods. Here are a few tips for you:
·         If the salad leaves are too large, cutting lettuce is perfectly okay. Use your knife and then request a clean knife to use on the main course.
·         Fried chicken is considered a finger food, so go ahead and pick it up. Just don’t lick your fingers afterwards.
·         Asparagus can be cut or, at a casual dinner, it can also be a finger food.

·         Artichokes are often served whole with an extra plate for the discarded leafs and a small bowl for melted butter or sauce. Use your fingers to break off an outer leaf. Dip the leaf in the butter, and then scrape the flesh from the leaf with your front teeth. Use your knife and fork to eat the bottom part called the heart. Chances are that you would never order a whole artichoke when out to dinner, but just in case, now you know how to eat it.
·         Eating pasta can sometimes be a nightmare. The proper way is to twirl the spaghetti on the edge of your plate with your fork. On the other hand, you may request a pasta spoon, which is larger than a teaspoon, and twirl pasta on the spoon with your fork. If you cannot master this art of eating pasta, just cut it up as I do.

Last week my husband and I took a few days of R & R and drove up to Prescott, Arizona, which is less than a two-hour drive. The first evening we dined at a very fun Italian restaurant called Rosas.  I had a slice of pizza and my husband had veal marsala with pasta. As we were eating, the chef came over to our table and put his hand on my husband’s shoulder. He leaned over and said, “You are the only person who has ever eaten here who knows the correct way to eat pasta.” You see, my husband is a master of twirling the pasta spoon. The chef went on to say, “We don’t even serve pasta spoons because no-one knows how to use them.” I was so glad I had not ordered pasta since I simply can’t master that art and I think I would have received a lecture.   

By Lois Jamieson

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