“Am I living an inspired life?”
Brendon Bruchard – The Change
How do you know if you are living an inspired life?
Here are 9
questions to help you decide:
- Do I fall asleep fulfilled and peaceful at night?
- Do I have goals that inspire and motivate me?
- Am I awake during the day or just going through the motions?
- What’s my energy level through the day?
- Do I see the positive in life or the negative?
- Is my glass half-full or half empty?
- Are there times that I push myself beyond my comfort zone?
- Do I look forward to helping others, as much as I look forward to helping myself?
- If I could be anyone, would I still be me?
“We learn the inner secret of happiness when
we learn to direct our inner
our interest and our attention to something outside ourselves.”
Percy Andrus
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