August 21 is Senior
Citizen Day
“We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our
communities are good places in which to mature and grow older.” President
Ronald Reagan
Thank you, President Reagan, for proclaiming August 21 as
Senior Citizen Day. It is hard for me to realize, that at the age of 50, you
are now entitled to senior citizen perks. It was not that way when I reached
50, a long time ago. In fact, I would have been insulted had anyone called me a
senior citizen. Of course, the U.S.
Government doesn’t proclaim you to be a senior citizen until age 65. You might
not enjoy being called a senior citizen when you reach 50, but you might as
well enjoy the perks.
Perk – from the word
perquisite, meaning a privilege to which a person is entitled by virtue of
status, etc.
So, go ahead and enjoy
your perquisites.
By Lois Jamieson
Lois: I was amazed,
when I was on the internet researching ‘old age’, to see my picture pop up. I
think it has to do with ‘cookies’ or something. I totally don’t understand all
there is to know about blogging. Where is Jan when I need her?
Jan: Jan is up to her
eyeballs in preparing and writing lesson plans for her new classroom. She loves
teaching at her new and ‘special’ school. But … is missing the time to write.
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